5 Ways to Keep Your Poultry Healthy

5 Ways to Keep Your Poultry Healthy
Karen Anthony

Glopinion by

Karen Anthony

Sep 11, 2019

As the owner of a poultry farm, it is your responsibility to ensure that your chickens are in good and perfect health. To run a poultry operation successfully, you need to take care of your chickens. Running the operation successfully can become hectic if you have to constantly deal with sick chickens. If you do not know how you can keep your birds in the perfect state, given below is a list that you can consider to keep them protected and safe from unwanted diseases.

As the owner of a poultry farm, it is your responsibility to ensure that your chickens are in good and perfect health. To run a poultry operation successfully, you need to take care of your chickens. Running the operation successfully can become hectic if you have to constantly deal with sick chickens. If you do not know how you can keep your birds in the perfect state, given below is a list that you can consider to keep them protected and safe from unwanted diseases.

Ensure that your chickens are getting clean water
You do not drink unclean and unhealthy water. This means you need to ensure your chickens are getting clean water. You can purchase water containers for your chickens from the local corporations as they are cheap and are readily available. Apart from that, you need to make sure that you are using something flat and putting in rocks, to prevent the younger chicks from drowning. Make sure that you are changing their water regularly as most of the poultry diseases are caused as a result of dirty water.

Get a safe enclosure for them
Your chickens will indeed keep wandering throughout your farmyard during the day, but they need to have a safe and secure place for sleeping during the night. You can create chicken hutches from the wooden poles as well as chicken wire. Ensure that you are getting thatched roofs. Make sure that you are building the enclosure on a sloping ground as well as dig drains so that water does not enter when it is raining. You should also put branches inside the enclosure so that your chickens can roost on because it has been observed that most of them fall sick if they are sleeping directly on the ground.

Providing regular sources of food
If your backyard chickens are an important part of the mixed system of farming, they can survive on the food that is spilled on the ground by horses, pigs, and dairy cows. Fly larvae are also an important food source. Vegetables of sub-standard along with table leftovers can also be given to the poultry. Green food is essential for the backyard chickens as they require vitamins constantly.

Provide calcium and minerals
If your chickens are not getting the necessary minerals, especially calcium, it can lead to joint as well as bone deformities and can also result in soft shell eggs, as stated by www.farmersweekly.co.za. Oyster shell grit and diatomaceous earth is a good source of calcium and needs to be given to the chicken. You can purchase Chicken Elisa kits to conduct the tests for diseases on your own.

Hygienic surrounding
You need to ensure that you are keeping the areas where your chickens roost clean because flies can breed in these areas rapidly. Ensure that you are burying your dead birds and keeping the area clean to make sure that your birds are healthy. Check Michael Giannulis.

It is your responsibility to maintain the health of your chickens. Ensure that you are following the ways that have been mentioned above to keep them in perfect health.

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